Thursday, October 3, 2013

Rangi's Qingquan (清泉) Typhoon Relief Trip: Part One Author: 白炯涵 人跡的清泉行:蘇力颱風過後(一)作者:白炯涵 / 譯者:張玄竺

This is the first of a number of posts which will be describing Rangi Association's typhoon relief trip to 清泉, from July 20-21.
A few days before making the trip, I had been in touch with several of the families I knew in 清泉, or one of the nearby villages, such as 白蘭, checking on them to see if they were ok, and asking if there was anything in particular we could bring. A number of the kids replied to my Facebook messages; 王林, 詹欣, 羽喬, and 芷晴 all told me their families were ok, having moved down the mountain to the nearby towns of 竹東, and 竹北, either before or after the typhoon. Peggy Gao, one of the mothers with a little boy attending school in 清泉 (and who attends the Presbyterian church in 清泉), told me she and her family lived in 雪霸, close to 清泉, and had recently been evacuated by helicopter to Zhubei. One of the mothers in Bailan (also with children attending school in 清泉), told me her family were ok there, though the power was still cutting out intermittently.
前往清泉前幾天,我和幾戶我認識的人家聯絡,他們有些住在清泉,有些住在鄰近的村落,像是白蘭部落。我想確定他們是否安然無恙,也順便問他們需不需要我們帶什麼上去。幾個孩子回了我的臉書訊息,王林、詹欣、羽喬和芷晴都說家裡沒事,因為家人已經在颱風前後下山避難,暫時待在竹東和竹北附近的鎮上。Peggy Gao 的小男孩在清泉上小學(他也會去清泉的長老教會),她說她家住在雪霸,就在清泉附近,他們剛被直升機救下來,載到竹北。另一個白蘭部落的媽媽(她的小孩也在清泉上小學)跟我說他們沒事,只是家裡還在停電。
I was concerned for the family of 珍萍 and her husband, who had posted photos of the house they had to evacuate, as it was flooded with mud and water, damaging furniture and appliances, and ruining clothes. 芷晴, the oldest of the four daughters in the family, told me they had moved down to stay with relatives in 竹東. When I asked if they needed anything we could bring up, she told me that they had picked up some diapers and milk formula from an airdrop in 清泉 but their baby couldn't digest the formula and they still needed more diapers. They also desperately needed clothes for the three older girls, who had little more than a single change of clothing each.
On the Thursday night before our planned trip to 清泉, my friend Vivian and I drove to 竹東 and met the family, dropping off several boxes of clothes, some diapers, some baby formula, and several photos of the kids which I had printed out to give to the parents. The family was delighted to see us, and thanked us repeatedly for our help, as well as for our care for the people of 清泉. I had a great time chatting with them, playing a little with the kids, and cooing over the baby.


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