Feature on Tap Root Cultural Exchange Program on Da Ai 2 TV.
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The AUT visitors had a meeting at the Council of Indigenous Peoples in Taipei City on the last day. |
The Maori visitors raised the interest and curiosity of many people in the communities that they visited. When they had the opportunity for interaction, they touched many hearts.
Results 結果:
- A relationship was established between Auckland University of Technology (AUT) and two universities in Taiwan that could lead to future student exchanges. They include Chaoyang University of Technology (朝陽科技大學) and National Dong Hwa University (國立東華大學).
- The International Forum on Indigenous Film and Television Cooperation brought notable guest speakers who gave the students from New Zealand and Taiwan a foundation of knowledge helpful for future international cooperation.
- The workshop created a practice opportunity for a team from New Zealand and Taiwan to produce creative film ideas together. There was an evaluation of the process and suggestions provided by the students.
- The Austronesian Film Festival (南島電影節) screened a total of 4 films from Taiwan and 2 films from New Zealand to an audience of 300 people.
- The Maori students participated in the "Sanga Exhibition" at the National Museum of Prehistory and cooperated with the Rukai Tribe from Taromak Village.
- Over 200 students at Jinshan High School (新北市金山高中) had the opportunity for cultural instruction and exchange with the Maori visitors.
- Over 5,000 people in Taiwan had cultural interaction or learning from the Maori students from the Auckland University of Technology.
- The Maori visitors found more cultural similarities to their culture when visiting Taitung, especially when examining the prehistoric artifacts.
- There was good media coverage of the activities in Taiwan, including on television, newspapers and radio.
- 建立紐西蘭奧克蘭理工大學與朝陽科技大學和國立東華大學之良好互動,搭起未來交換學生的橋樑。
- 計畫期間之學術講座促使紐西蘭及臺灣團隊共同發想與創造影視合作的機會,參與者於活動過程中對影視製作提出許多可供思考的建議。
- 南島電影節共放映四部臺灣電影及兩部紐西蘭電影,觀影人數共達四百人。
- 參與臺東國立臺灣史前文化博物館以達魯瑪克部落為主題之特展開幕活動,「飛舞的勇士」,觀賞表演。
- 為兩百餘位新北市金山高中的學生帶來與毛利師生交流互動的機會。
- 七千五百餘名臺灣民眾與奧克蘭理工大學的毛利師生進行文化互動和學習。
- 參訪者於台東觀賞史前文物時,發現許多文物與毛利文化有極大的相似之處。
- 尋根文化交流計畫受到眾多優質媒體重視與採訪,包含電視專訪、新聞報導及廣播等。
News Articles 新聞文章:
- January 15, 2014 - Auckland (NZ) Now - Taiwan visit plants seed for creative collaboration
- December 26, 2013 - China Post - E noho ra (Goodbye)
- December 26, 2013 - Taipei Times - A growing grass roots movement
- December 23, 2013 - Taipei Times - All this happened, more or less
- December 22, 2013 - Lihpao.com - 毛利族尋根交流 作客金山高中
- December 17, 2013 - China Post - Kia Ora!
- December 16, 2013 - Taiwan Indigenous Television - 毛利團訪原視 分享2週部落行收獲 20131216
- December 15, 2013 - United Daily News - 92歲文面方阿妹 為紐國毛利族學生祈福
- December 11, 2013 - Taiwan Indigenous Television - 達魯瑪克勇士特展 史前館開幕展出 20131211
- December 10, 2013 - CNA - 毛利人台東尋根 發現傳家寶 20131210盧太城
- December 10, 2013 - CNA - 毛利人台東尋根 發現傳家寶
- December 4, 2013 - CD News - 台灣/國際原住民影視論壇 朝陽科大傳藝系學子認識多元媒體與原民文化交流
- December 4, 2013 - Yahoo News - 紐西蘭毛利族學生來台探索美景吃夜市
- December 4, 2013 - Taiwan Indigenous Television - 毛利籍師生訪台 拍片探討原民文化 20131204
- December 2, 2013 - AUT News - Students to learn about Taiwan and Māori cultures
- October 10, 2013 - ATAYAL Press Release - Maori film students to journey to Taiwan to retrace their ancient roots
Videos 視頻:
- December 16, 2013 - Maori performance at the Dream Community
- December 16, 2013 - 毛利團訪原視 分享2週部落行收獲 20131216
- December 11, 2013 - 達魯瑪克勇士特展 史前館開幕展出 20131211
- December 11, 2013 - 達魯瑪克Sanga特展開幕-Taromak & Maori HAKA
- December 10, 2013 - 毛利人台東尋根 發現傳家寶 20131210盧太城
- December 8, 2013 - 烏來泰雅族教會的聖誕節活動 5
- December 7, 2013 - 烏來婚禮 012.07.13_5
- December 4, 2013 - 毛利籍師生訪台 拍片探討原民文化 20131204
Photos 照片:
- Click for Powerpoint Photo Presentation (41 MB)
- Photos of the Maori participants provided by Auckland University of Technology (奧克蘭科技大學)
- December 03, 2013 - Day 1 - Chaoyang University of Technology (朝陽科技大學)
- December 04, 2013 - Day 2 - Chaoyang University of Technology (朝陽科技大學)
- December 05, 2013 - Day 3 - Chaoyang University of Technology (朝陽科技大學)
- December 06, 2013 - Day 4 - Nantou (南投)
- December 05-06, 2013 - Day 3 & 4 - Artistic Stills by Duncan Longden | Duncan's web site
- December 07, 2013 - Day 5 - Wulai, New Taipei City (新北市烏來區)
- December 08, 2013 - Day 6 - Wulai, New Taipei City (新北市烏來區)
- December 10, 2013 - Day 8 - Taitung (臺東)
- December 11, 2013 - Day 9 - Taitung (臺東)
- December 12, 2013 - Day 10 - National Dong Hwa University (國立東華大學)
- December 13, 2013 - Day 11 - National Dong Hwa University (國立東華大學)
- December 14, 2013 - Day 12 - Hualien (花蓮)
- December 15, 2013 - Day 13 - Jinshan High School (新北市金山高中)
- December 16, 2013 - Day 14 - Jinshan High School, TITV (新北市金山高中)
- December 16, 2013 - Day 14 - Dream Community (夢想社區)
- December 17, 2013 - Day 15 - Council of Indigenous Peoples (行政院原住民委員會)
Letters 照片: