Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 2: The Taproot Cultural Exchange Program 第二天:尋根文化交流計畫

The Maori students from AUT perform before the press conference.


The second day of our program was the International Forum on Indigenous Film and Television Cooperation. The purpose of this part of our event was to give the students from New Zealand and Taiwan an opportunity to learn about the Film and Television industry in Taiwan and the current state of media cooperation. It was also an opportunity for them to learn more about the opportunities provided by the new ANZTEC agreement signed by Taiwan and New Zealand.


The Maori visitors introduce themselves and sing a welcome ceremonial song.


The event opened at 9:00 am, with the first guest speaker, Tamati Howard, from the Auckland University of Technology introducing the participants from New Zealand. There were about 150 attendees, who were mostly faculty and staff from Chaoyang University of Technology (CYUT). They learned that the Maori introduce themselves formally by naming their origins first, and then more details of where they come from. It places an emphasis on origin rather than the name.

活動於早上九點開始,我們的第一位演講者為來自紐西蘭科技大學的湯瑪提.霍華德(Tamati Howard),湯瑪提為我們介紹了來自紐西蘭的毛利師生們。禮堂裡約有150位聽眾來聆聽演講,大部份的聽眾為朝陽科技大學教職員,他們瞭解到毛利人在正式的自我介紹時會先告知他們的起源,然後再告知他們由何處來,毛利人注重他們的起源而不是名字。

After the introduction and a heartwarming song, Mr. Howard gave his presentation, which showed a history of Maori in New Zealand film and television.


Dr. Jonathan Chu of Chaoyang University of Technology


The second presentation, "Post new wave? Some observation of the new trend of Taiwan's film market," was provided by Dr. Jonathan Chu of Chaoyang University of Technology. His lecture shared trends of Taiwanese film, highlighting the recent successes by Taiwanese director Wei Te-Sheng. The Maori students were especially interested in his film about the Wushe Incident titled, "Seediq Bale."


David Tsou from the Council of Indigenous Peoples


The third presentation was given by David Tsou, Department of Planning Senior Executive Officer from the Council of Indigenous Peoples. He gave a brief description of the ANZTEC agreement, focusing on the chapter dealing with indigenous cooperation between Taiwan and New Zealand. He was proud to announce the ratification of the agreement by the legislature, and welcomed ideas for new projects to fund.


Tamati Howard, Serena Chui, and Tony Coolidge

湯瑪提.霍華德、紐西蘭商工辦事處副代表徐嘉明(Serena Chui及尋根計畫執行長陳華

The fourth presentation was provided by Serena Chui, Deputy Director of the New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office in Taipei. Her presentation was more about the ANZTEC agreement.

紐西蘭商工辦事處副代表徐嘉明(Serena Chui)為我們帶來了第四場演講,他的演講大多為台紐經濟合作協定。

Masao Aki plays the jew's harp to open his speech.

原視台長馬紹.阿紀(Masao Aki)以單簧口琴開啟他的演講

The fifth and final presentation was provided by Masao Aki, Chief Director of Taiwan Indigenous Television. His presentation was titled, "International Indigenous Film and Television Cooperation (WITBN)." He opened his speech in a memorable way, playing a song on the jew's harp, a traditional Atayal tribal instrument.


After the guest speaker section of the event, the press conference was kicked off with a speech by the dean of the School, and a performance of the Maori visitors. They provided several songs and a haka dance. They were followed by a Taiwanese student group from CYUT, which performed several indigenous dances.


A television reporter interviews the CYUT students involved in the exchange program.


After the performance, the media conducted interviews of the organizers, Maori students, and even the volunteers. There were more media represented than expected, which was an encouraging sign as to the interest in the type of event we were conducting.


Students from New Zealand and Taiwan worked together to develop a creative film concept.


After a catered buffet dinner, the Taiwanese and Maori students worked together in the Communication Arts Building for the Workshop portion of the event. They were briefed by Tony Coolidge on the elements of a film proposal. They studied the text of the ANZTEC Agreement. Then they worked together on two teams to develop a story idea for a mock cooperative international film project. They were given the experience of what it was like to work with an international crew as if they had a project funded by ANZTEC. The process was a learning experience, and the participants shared the challenges and benefits of working with a production crew from another country.


Our amazing volunteer interpreters provided the communication support for cooperation.


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